- What does Google for: To look for information about someone or something on the World Wide Web
- Google Launch year: 1997
- Company Name: Google
- Type of site: Web search engine
- Google Headquarters: California, United States
- Google Founder(s): Larry Page, Sergey Brin
- Number of Google employees: 118,889 employees & 30.9% of the global Google employees are female
- How many people use Google: More than 90% of internet users use Google and it is almost 4.39 billion population
- Google revenue: $95.4 billion
- Number of Languages: 149 languages
- Google’s Search Index contains: More than 100,000,000 GB
- Google usage: American use – 27.2% of users, Indians – 8.4% of users and Japan – 4.5% of users
- Top Place: Most visited website in Feb 2020, i.e. Google counts 74.14 billion visits, YouTube with 27.365 billion visits, Facebook with 21.35 billion visits, Baidu with 6.38 billion visits, and Twitter with 4.54 billion visits.
- Search inputs: 20. 12% of Google searches are made by voice
- Searches are from: More than 60% come from mobile
- Number of searches performed by Google: 5.4 billion searches each day, 70,000 Google queries per second
- What type of search are done through Google: 8% of search queries are phrased as question
- Average search on Google: on an average person conducts 3–4 searches every single day
- What makes Google interesting: 15% of searches have never been searched before on Google
- Strategy behind Search Results from Google: Google takes over 200 factors into account before delivering you the best results to any query in a fraction of a second
- Button in Google: “I’m feeling lucky” button costs Google $110 million per year
- Top 5 Competitors or similar products: Bing, Yahoo, Baidu, Yandex and DuckDuckGo
- Ad Words: Four times as many people are likely to click on a paid search ad on Google (63%) than on any other search engine like Amazon (15%), YouTube (9%), and Bing (6%).
- Google History: “Google” are from mathematical term “Googol,” which means one with a hundred zeroes following it
+ One interesting factors:
If search for a Keyword – “askew” or “tilt” in Google search engine, the content will tilt slightly to the right – This is one of the awesome Google tricks. Also, if you search for keyword “atari breakout” in Google Images, you can play the game.
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