Steve Jobs

“Stay hungry, stay foolish”
“Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower”
– Steve Jobs

1. About Steve Jobs :

Steven Paul Jobs was an American entrepreneur and inventor, best known as the co-founder, chairman, and CEO of Apple Inc. With his vision of affordable personal computers, he sets the standard for the look and feel of personal computers and launched one of the largest industries of the past decades. He is most famous for creating Apple Inc, the multimillion-dollar brand that has taken over the world, from MacBook computers to iPods and iPhones.

2. Steve Jobs Birth : He was half Arab. Biologically, his father was Syrian and his mother was American.

3. Born on : February 24, 1955

4. Born in : San Francisco, California

5. Jobs Birth name : Abdul Lateef Jandali

6. Steve Jobs was : an adopted child by Paul Reinhold Jobs and Clara

7. Jobs early Interest : Electronics and Gadgetry, as he lives in the south of Palo Alto, California – later refer the area as “Silicon Valley”

8. Early job at HP : William Hewlett, the president of Hewlett-Packard offers him a summer job at HP after seeing his enthusiasm for electronics at high school

9. Jobs Education : After high school, he was a college dropout from Reed College in Portland, Oregon

10. Jobs Practice : Jobs traveled to India and adopted the practices of  Zen Buddhism, which became a huge part of his life and he almost became a Buddhist monk

11. Founded Apple : In 1976, He and Steve Wozniak formed their own company called Apple

12. First Income : Jobs and Wozniak raised $1,300 in startup money by selling Jobs’s microbus and Wozniak’s calculator

13. Jobs First computer : In 1976, Apple’s first desktop model the Apple-1 computer was priced at $666.66, and recently that was sold to an anonymous buyer for around $470,000

14. First to introduce mouse and GUI : Jobs replaced the text-based command-line interface with a mouse-driven graphical user interface. Instead of typing in commands with a keyboard, users could click on on-screen icons using a mouse controller

15. Jobs one-dollar salary : From 1997 to 2011, Jobs made an annual salary of just $1, But he holds 5.5 million shares of Apple stock and was the majority shareholder of Disney stock (from selling Pixar)

16. Jobs net worth : Jobs was worth over $1 million at the age of 23. His net worth grew to $10.2 billion at the time of his death

17. Steve job loves : To wear his signature black turtleneck outfit daily and which was designed by the innovative Japanese designer Issey Miyake

18. Job’s biggest acquisition : Jobs was pushed out of Apple in 1985 and he purchased a small company called Pixar from filmmaker George Lucas. Later Pixar released Toy Story, Monsters, Inc., a huge box office hit

19. Jobs revolution in music : In 2001, Jobs debuted the Apple iPod and that turned people from buying music CDs to iTunes, which stores thousands of songs and offers consumers an affordable way to download songs to their computes

20. Kicking off the tablet trend : Jobs debuted the iPad tablet in April 2010, and even Apple faced a lot of doubters. But the media tablet soon became another hit product

21. Stevenote : A typical Stevenote began with Jobs presenting sales figures for Apple products and a review of products released during the past few months. He then presented one or more new products as “And one more thing”

22. Jobs Patenting : Jobs is listed as either primary inventor or co-inventor for 346 United States patents related to a range of technologies, with most of the patents being for design

23. Steve Jobs was invited by Bill Clinton once to spend the night sleeping in the Lincoln bedroom of the White House

24. Jobs last days : Jobs was found to have pancreatic cancer in 2003 and underwent surgery. This was a major factor in his eventual decline

25. Steve Jobs’s final words : At Jobs’s funeral, his biological sister Mona Simpson revealed that job died peacefully, with the simple yet poignant final words “OH WOW. OH WOW. OH WOW”

26. Steve Jobs Day : Every year, October 16 was celebrated as Steve Jobs Day in the state of California and that was declared by the Governor of California

27. Jobs statue : There is a nearly 7 foot (2.1 meters) tall bronze statue of Jobs in the capital city of Hungary

28. Jobs Honors :

  • On November 5, 2009, Jobs was named the “CEO of the Decade” by Fortune magazine
  • Steve Jobs placed second behind Thomas Edison in the January 2012 survey of young adults (ages 16-25) to identify the greatest innovators of all time
  • In March 2012, global business magazine Fortune named Steve Jobs the “Greatest Entrepreneur of Our Time
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Steve Jobs is one of the greatest inspiration for many people who want to make their mark in the tech world. The tech genius made Apple one of the most valuable and successful companies in the world.