Energy and enthusiasm are the true assets for every human being to succeed in life and in business. In challenging days that we are in during and post Covid-19, we need a light that will guide us.
Here are some more motivational quotes (Part 3) to energies you in 2021. These handpicked, select quotes will help you give clarity to see life in a fresh perspective.
1.As human beings we don’t live. We are stuck in routines.
2.Mundane routine works, should not eat up our precious time.
3.We don’t understand. We only assume.
4.Don’t construct a building on a fake foundation. Instead, construct a strong foundation.
5.Walking on the plains is simple. Climbing an uphill requires a little pat on the back.
6.Fear is a dangerous disease.
7.Self-pity mars life.
8.Don’t try to fly, holding the kite. Build your own aircraft.

9.If you want to win, make concrete efforts. Don’t just wait for some miracle to happen.
10.Life is like riding a bi-cycle. It is easy to ride fast. But riding it slowly and steadily requires tremendous skill.
11.Tomorrow becomes today. Today becomes yesterday. You be in the present all days.
12.As much as you fall down and get up, so much you get the strength to walk farther and farther crossing over all the hurdles.
13.If the purpose of your action is solved, that is enough. Don’t expect a credit separately.
14.By feeling guilty, we are only aggravating the problem.
15.It is very difficult to differentiate between pretentiousness and originality.
16.Hesitation is the biggest hindrance for success.

17. A thought might take just a micro milli second, but accomplishing the same might require even a life time.
18.When one person talks and 10 people listen, there could possibly be 11 meanings.
19.Take help.
20.When your focus is on bigger things, don’t budge for smaller ones.
21.Only when there are problems, our true calibre will emerge out.
22.Reaching mars, might be your ambitious vision, but, make sure to keep an eye in the next step.
23.Danger chases only the fear and not the courage.
24.Gain respect by expressing yourself well.
25.Ask questions.
26.Take initiative.
27.Don’t lie.
28.Change is always good, as far as it means improvement.
29.There is no restriction for imagination. But implementation requires a step-by-step approach.
30.Planning is very important, but imagination is not.
31.We need to elevate ourselves as the time passes on.
32.Life starts Now. Everything else is just a past.
33.Don’t wait for something to happen to feel happy. Be happy right away from Now onwards because, that is what is your true nature.
34.If you don’t get, what you deserve, it’s all your mistake.
35.A genuine, humble ‘I don’t know’ is the first big step towards getting to know the unknown.
36.If you get stuck in the past, you will soon become obsolete.
37.Confusion leads to oscillation. Clarity leads to firmness.

38.If walking requires x power, walking without willingness requires 100x.
39.The challenge lies in meeting the expectations of the world, without compromising on our own core being.
40.How much ever knowledgeable you might be, you cannot answer a question, unless you understand the question properly.
41.Some tasks are difficult, but not impossible.
42.You don’t need credit for being you.
43.Even when the whole world conspires against you, rise like a phoenix bird.
44.Resistance from the world is actually the power propelling you towards marching ahead.
45.If you don’t do something for fame and do it for the purpose of doing it, the fame will follow you, for sure.
46.If you remain hooked to the past, you miss the current moment, which will become a past very soon.
47.Underutilisation of a highly efficient tool, is a sin.
48.The past has gone. Future is yet to unfold, based on what we do Now.
49.Don’t be a credit chaser. Be a satisfied doer.

50.Life, as such, is simple. But we make our life drama complex and complicated.
51.Time is a relative phenomenon. It either expands or shrinks based on what we do.
52.What you give is more important than what you get.
53.Ever expanding sky is the limitless limit.
54.Asking the right question at the right time requires tremendous energy.
55.In life, positivity attracts positivity. Negativity attracts negativity.
56.The change needs to happen within.
57.The same problem is handled by different people in a different manner.
58.Our life is based on our perceptions.
59.The past is all junk. The future is yet to come. Only the present is alive now.
60.Change doesn’t happen on its own. We need to be instrumental to it.
61.If a wrong habit sets in, it is very difficult to change it.
62.Each human being is more like an ocean.
63.Certain things, we take it as a given.
64.Thoughts are beyond languages.
65.Don’t let the emotions cloud your vision.
66.What looks very clear while looking back, we wouldn’t have had even an iota of idea about it earlier.
67.The trust which you have in me gives me 1000 horsepower.
68.If you can see things only from your perspective and not able to see it from others perspective, you are half blind.
69.Learn from the past. Plan for the future. Live in the present.
70.If someone is able to make you angry, that person is the winner.
71.Even a single word has got the power to rewrite someone’s destiny.
72.If you keep remaining under the shadow, you cannot grow.
73.Just because you ignore, it doesn’t mean, it is not there.
74.What you expect others to do, you do it.
75.Days pass by, all by itself. How well we fit ourselves into it, is what matters the most.
76.As much as you expose yourself to life, so much you learn.
77.What gets in that Comes out.
78.You can speak, whatever your mind thinks, then and there, provided you are confident with your own thought process.
79.A simple shift in the mindset can solve enormous problems.

80.If we keep mulling over as to what others might think, we cannot move forward.
81.Totally ignoring our own shortcomings, we expect every other human being to be 100% perfect.
82.Just because you have done one right thing, that doesn’t necessarily mean, whatever you do is right.
83.Keep your internal intact, irrespective of the externals.
84.If you have resistance in your mind, you cannot give your 100%.
85.Solution for most of our problems is ‘It’s ok’.
86.As much lives as you include into your life, so much your life expands.
87.Sometimes, a single decision can turn your life upside down or vice versa.
88.Give respect and weightage to others perspective as well.
89.Whom you see as a role model makes all the difference.
90.A lion can never behave like a scapegoat.
91.Just like any other software, our mind too needs to be renewed every now and then.
92.Life should be a forward looking one. And not a backward looking.

93.We get the fruits of all our hard works, only at an unexpected moment.
94.Setting the direction for the team to run the marathon is the primary task of a leader.
95.Only under a pressurized circumstance, our full potential emerges out.
96.We create an image of a person in our minds, not based on them, but based on us.
97.Live each moment to the fullest, as if the next moment is your last moment.
98.How we conduct ourselves might be comfortable for us. We also need to take care whether it is comfortable for people around us.
99.When you find someone more powerful than you, respect them.
100.Before throwing a stone onto the surface of water, be aware of the ripples it is going to cause.

Hope you have enjoyed these out of the ordinary quotes, which I am sure will give you a clear perspective about life.
Wishing you all success in the New Year 2021!
If you have missed our motivational quotes – Part I, Part 2.
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