Acting fast on the business cards you have collected will bring more leads and more sales for your business. Though, we have started seeing advent of digital business cards or electronic exchange of contact information, the paper visiting cards are still common for exchanging contact details in the business environment. Very often we return from a conference or tradeshow with 100s of business cards collected from prospective customers and prospective suppliers.

Most lead management solutions or CRMs or enterprise software requires capturing customer / vendor details into them as a starting point.
One of the typical sources of such data is business cards, especially if you are getting back from conference or tradeshow.
Other sources of lead data are being email enquires, QR scans in tradeshows or web enquires.

All of us collect business cards from our prospective customers during field sales or at events & expo. We make notes on the back of the business cards and it stops there. Business cards information, on the other hand, need to be quickly made accessible to you and your sales team. Business Card data is powerful, if made available timely and made actionable.
Capturing data from business cards is always a challenge. Though there are many OCR tools, all of them do not deliver 100% accuracy due to variations in business card designs and also variations in the way the business card images are captured using a mobile device.

After transcribing hundreds of business cards, it is very common to see mix-up of name of the contact with company name or company name with designations or job titles in a purely machine driven transcription process. It is also common to see @ being read as ‘a’ or B being read as 8, especially when the resolution of image captured is low or if you had other problems while capturing the image.
Business Card Transcription as an API
To eliminate these issues, HelloLeads came up with a three pointed approach – a great business card scanning software, ML (machine learning) driven OCR and a manual verification of data by people. These three together delivers 100% accuracy of the business cards you scan.

All of these are now packed into a powerful LeadsWallet API.
The API can deliver data in formats that a CRM or enterprise system can quickly digest – JSON, vCard or XML.
Using technology from our in-depth research, when you take a picture of a business card with HelloLeads Mobile App and save it as a lead, it will automatically recognize the contact information, send it for proof reading, get it back and populate the contact information for your processing.
You can search for text contained in the scanned business card, initiate a call to the number recognized, email the contact or find their address on a map – all from HelloLeads App itself.
LeadsWallet Team had set up scanning spots in key tradeshows to demonstrate the power of business card API. Exhibitors can use such facility, bring in the business cards and get them transcribed with 100% accuracy.
LeadsWallet API ensures confidentiality and privacy of data. The data verification is done in parts and pieces and hence one person cannot see the full business card. This ensures the data is kept private and confidential.
As part of the API service offering, Leads Wallet will not record or store any of the customer data that is transcribed on its server and data is erased once it is returned back. We are GDPR compliant i.e. the data will be deleted after it is verified and returned.
Using LeadsWallet API is simple and easy

Get an API key from our website, scan business cards and send them thru the API call. The API processes your request and get it verified by a team of people and returns a structured data via a web hook call back.
In addition to contact information, LeadsWallet business card transcription API can also gather and return social media information such as linked in profile or a face book page. We have ability get back with a summary of the profile of contact and a brief overview of the company. This can save good amount of time for sales team when you want to understand deeper about their prospects.