All businesses including yours need to know who in the sales team added a lead into the system, when and where. Knowing who met with a prospective customer, when and where drives decisions in how we engage with prospects further.
For examples, Mr. John in your sales team may meet prospective customers in a tradeshow at New York, NY or Mr. Matt as a part of field sales in Detroit, MI. In addition to the date and time of lead capture, HelloLeads also provides the location where the lead was captured.
Geo location (of lead additions) feature in HelloLeads mobile app, helps to capture the precise geo location at which your HelloLeads user has captured a particular lead details. The captured Geo-location is displayed in both Mobile and Web app of HelloLeads.

[…] you the capabilities to completely manage lead life cycle end-to-end – capture, manage, track, follow up and convert. HelloLeads competently facilitate lead nurturing, make […]