“Move from paper to digital business card sharing – instant, easy, searchable.”
When you man a booth at a tradeshow or expo or during filed sales, you meet with many new prospective customers. The traditional and normal way is to exchange business cards so that both you and your prospective customer have each other’s contact details to transact further.
Though there is social media to connect (face book, linked in, Instagram and so on), they do not provide all the contact information the way a printed business card provides. For example, you cannot see email ID of a prospect in linked-in profile if you are not connected. Even if you are connected, you cannot see mobile or telephone number of a prospect if he or she has not shared it. This is the reason why you still see widespread exchange of business cards for sharing contact information. Business cards do provide all the required information so that you can reach out to your prospects any time and by design it is handy.
On the other hand, the problems with business cards are
Business cards
- you cannot carry all the cards all the time
- you cannot locate quickly a specific contact you are looking for and more importantly
- you cannot communicate instantly
To bridge the gap there are few digital business card solutions that have come up in the recent past. But we did not get satisfied with the way these solutions have been designed or used. Hence, we created Digi – a digital business card sharing feature as an integral feature of HelloLeads – to meet your specific challenges in sharing contact information with your prospects.
Digi enables you to share your digital business cards with your contacts easily and quickly. All that you need to do is to make sure your profile is 100% complete as a part of HelloLeads and rest is done. Your leads will get a copy of your digital business cards which they can save it to their contact information.

Leads having your contact data readily are more like to come back and transact business with you. So, it is important you use tools like HelloLeads and Digi and share your business cards with leads and prospects.
Digital Business card sharing and HelloLeads will be useful for sales professional and sales managers like you. Try HelloLeads and you will see the difference it makes to your business and sales.
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