Any business should focus on Lead Generation as leads create the base for customers and sales. So, how do you generate Leads?
In recent days, most people are interested in video content. Video marketing is the future of business marketing. Posting a quick video rather than word content on social media will reach and also attracts more viewers. Attracting viewers for your video not only depends on what you post but also depends on where you post.
Before we get started, let’s quickly go through the types of video content to market your business.
- Explainer video (short video explaining products or services)
- Vlogs (video blogs)
- Video interviews
- Video presentations
- Tutorials
- Product reviews
- Product demos
- Recordings of live streams
- Video testimonials
- Video ads
This blog will guide you to decide when and where to post your videos, here we’ve put together a list of different places to post your videos, which increase your viewership, build brand awareness, and drive more business. Let’s dive in.
1. Your own tools – Website, marketing emails, ads
Posting a video in your in-hand tools (i.e., website or emails or ad campaign) is much essential than others because these will directly pull the audience to your business. And video content on your website or marketing emails are live always.
Creating a small one-line video in website advertisements will generate more curiosity about your business.
Website video posting is not only good to have it all accessible in one place, but also increases SEO and product comprehension as well as sales.
2. Facebook
Facebook (FB) is one of the most actionable social media platforms which actively engage people in your business and pull more and more customers.
There are lots of options for posting videos on FB,
Native Facebook Video: It is a video content posted on your Facebook business page which also has an insight tool to know more about particular video engagements.
Linked videos: It deals with linking your Facebook video to your website which directly plays and makes leads.
Stories Video: A simple and snappy video content that is helpful to show up a short and quick update about your product, events, webinars, etc. And, you can use it for publishing the daily activity in your office or business.
Facebook live video: Live video is a powerful and impactful option to engage more and more viewers towards your business. It is more helpful during the covid pandemic in the way of announcing the new product, product launch, training/demo, etc.
Facebook Video Ads: It is similar to a website ad; you can advertise your business/product on Facebook with a promotion option which means FB posts your ad in viewers’ feed based on your subscription.
Facebook Cover Videos: It is a short video that appears right in your Facebook page’s top section which is like a welcome or intro video to the viewer’s every visit to your page.
Show me the ultimate guide for generating leads using Facebook

3. Instagram
In recent times an emerging and impactful social media is Instagram. It is one of the best platforms for video marketing and is fully featured with a greater number of pictures and videos. Instagram also contains many video types (i.e., video post, status, video ad) similar to Facebook but the iconic one is Insta Reels.
Can you imagine a 30-45 seconds video will create a huge engagement to your business? Yes, Instagram Reels can do that. Reels have a lot of options to customize your video as you like.
Insta Live is another option to stream a live meeting or launch or update. In this live video, you can add and speak with any other persons who are related to the topic of the video. It attracts more and more visitors and also you can grab more live feedbacks and comments here.
Make use of another feature called IGTV, here you can upload a video from 10 to 60 minutes, and it is helpful for any business update, product launch, etc.
Show me how to generate business leads using instagram

4. WhatsApp Business
WhatsApp Business is a direct platform to engage with your customers and make them aware every day of your business. By sending a promotional video or posting a short video on status will make your customers active.
5. YouTube
The most powerful video platform is YouTube. You can use your YouTube video anywhere you want i.e., on your website, emails, other social media platforms.
There are a lot of options available to collectively manage your video content like playlist, channels.
A new short video option is introduced by YouTube recently is YouTube Shorts similar to Instagram Reels.

6. Twitter
One of the known powerful platforms for marketing or to get to trend is Twitter. On Twitter, you can post your video on the go like posting a picture. Your video will be more effective when you mention relevant and trending hashtags, it will create great impact compared with videos posted on other types of platforms like Facebook or Instagram.
7. LinkedIn
LinkedIn is one of the more professional social media than any other platform. All the content on LinkedIn is in the professional way which mostly expresses jobs, motivation, business project updates, new releases, etc. In the business aspect, it is more useful for gathering people for webinars, product launch meetings, new business announcements, etc.
Here video content reaches faster than written posts. A quick detailed marketing video or business/product video with relevant hashtags will make a huge impact on business.
Recently, LinkedIn has introduced a status video feature that enables users to post a quick video/post update, and it lasts for one day like WhatsApp.
LinkedIn has a larger audience so posting a video in groups rather than globally, will attract more people. Groups must be related to your business.

8. Reddit
Reddit has many subreddits, which are specialized communities inside Reddit. The first thing in Reddit you have to do is, create or join in a correct subreddit. The subreddits are a good place to post your videos and specifically, the industry-specific subreddits will fetch more reach. In Reddit, you must regularly post a video rather than occasional.

9. Pinterest
Posting a video on Pinterest is used to nurture your audience. Because it will show more relevant posts which are fitted to the favorites of a user. So, finding the right person relating to your business is a key step in Pinterest. There is an option that your followers can re-pin your video on their boards if they feel so inclined to your post/video.
10. Tumblr
Tumblr has similar functionality to Twitter, it is attracting new visitors using hashtags. A unique way to promote your video on Tumblr is turning your video content into short GIFs and memes to get others sharing it alongside popular tags.
11. Medium
Medium is a branded platform for blogs and also it allows writers to post related videos in-between their blogs. The video must be in the way of explaining the contents of your blog so that readers can easily understand your thoughts. It is a great way to nurture your followers and make them customers if they are inclined with your business. Another way is, republishing your website blog on Medium will attract new audiences.

12. Vimeo
Vimeo is a specialized and user-friendly video hosting platform. It is differing from YouTube in some pretty big ways. You can make stunning videos from multiple templates, record video messages, or capture any moment with live streaming. And in Vimeo, you can promote your product or service with built-in video marketing tools or create a subscription streaming service for your videos.
All the above-mentioned platforms are social media so posting one or two videos daily on them is equally important to make more and more focused followers to your respective platforms. More followers will bring more views for your videos and also more engagements.
So, keep recording & uploading videos. Stay tuned & stay connected.
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