Do you know what successful people have one thing in common?
It is the habit of reading books.
Some of the world’s most successful leaders spend hours in reading books. Great business leaders and entrepreneurs like Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk make reading one of their daily habits.
The habit of reading books is indeed one of the best qualities that a person can possess and is the key component to succeed in any business and in personal life as well.
In today’s workplace, sales leadership is crucial to maximizing the success of your business. Sales leaders have an important role in carrying the responsibility for the success of their sales teams.
There are many challenges that sales leaders face, in order to consistently stay ahead. Reading books is one of the most effective ways to stay ahead in sales. Allotting time to dive into an insightful book can provide you with techniques to manage your sales and take your business to the next level.
Based on my experience, I have compiled a special and exclusive list of 10 books that every sales leader must read to manage their sales team efficiently and to increase sales.
1. Sales Management. Simplified.: The Straight Truth About Getting Exceptional Results from Your Sales – Mike Weinberg
About the author: Weinberg is a consultant, coach and speaker who is specialized in new business development and sales management.
In part one of the book, Weinberg outlines the problems faced by the sales management and also points out the errors made by the sales managers.
In part two, he shares the strategies on how to empower your sales team, how to have productive meetings and how to create high performance sales culture. Weinberg also provides sales leaders some tips on how to match high performers with right roles and how to coach underperformers.
2. Coaching Salespeople into Sales Champions: A Tactical Playbook for Managers and Executives – Keith Rosen
About the author: Keith Rosen is the CEO of Profit Builders, one of the best sales training and coaching company worldwide.
If you are a sales manager who want your sales team perform better and faster, ‘Coaching Salespeople into Sales Champions’ is the essential book you must read. You can find clear ideas on how to find the potential of your sales team and retain the best talent.
In this book, Keith shares coaching framework that will make your sales team perform better. He also covers topics on how to increase your sales. The book includes case studies, a month turnaround strategy for underperformers, coaching templates, scripts and hundreds of powerful coaching questions you can use to coach anyone. You can even find ways to empower your sales team so that they could solve their problems and succeed in their work.
3. Cracking the Sales Management Code: The Secrets to Measuring and Managing Sales Performance – Jason Jordan & Michelle Vazzana
About the author: Jason Jordan is a partner of Vantage Point Performance and Michelle Vazzana is the CEO.
Do you want to manage a salesforce effectively? Then, this book is a perfect choice. It provides you with best approaches to make your sales team perform better and also provide metrics that drive business results.
The authors of the book provide practical advice to sales managers on how to change sales force behaviours while avoiding common pitfalls.
4. Sales Manager Survival Guide: Lessons From Sales’ Front Lines — David A. Brock
About the author: David Brock is a consultant and author who founded the media watchdog group Media Matters for America.
Are you new to the role of sales manager? This book will help you to have a great start in your new role. It is designed to help sales managers on how to guide their sales team to become more successful.
The book covers ideas on how to coach your team, how to work on performance improvement with someone in your team who is not performing well or how to develop sales tactics and many more. It has everything you need to become a great sales manager.
5. The Accidental Sales Manager: How to Take Control and Lead Your Sales Team to Record Profits – Chris Lytle
About the author: Chris Lytle is the President / Product Developer at Sparque, Inc. He delivers his sales advice in easily digestible knowledge bites on his website, Fuel.
Are you worried on how to manage your sales team with the unexpected promotion as a sales manager? This book is a perfect guide for being a better manager. Chris Lytle provides some techniques on how to prioritize your team, run efficient meetings or one-to-ones and more.
You will learn how to enhance your team, where to start and what to focus on to be a successful sales manager.
6. 52 Sales Management Tips: The Sales Manager’s Success Guide By Steven Rosen
About the author: Steven Rosen is a top sales management consultant. His popular blog and website can be found at starresults.com.
Are you a person who is looking to develop your skills as a sales manager? This book is the right choice. You’ll find tips for coaching salespeople as well as tips on how to overcome the challenges in your work life.
The book also covers techniques to lead and inspire salespeople to greater performance and how to grow yourself as a manager and leader.
7. Nuts and Bolts of Sales Management: How to Build a High Velocity Sales Organization –John Treace
About the author: John Treace has over 30 years of experience in sales and marketing in the medical device industry. He now owns sales and marketing consulting firm JR Treace & Associates.
John Treace provides a step-by-step guide for sales leaders to help them build a high performing sales team that will consistently produce desired results. It covers practical methods and strategies to achieve success in sales.
Leaders will learn how to develop effective sales process, promote high morale & team work and take the sales team to the next level. The insights in this book will help you to identify the problems and find better solutions to succeed in business.
8. The Challenger Sale: Taking Control of the Customer Conversation – Matthew Dixon & Brent Adamson
About the author: Brent Adamson is a managing director in the sales and marketing practice of CEB. Matthew Dixon is an executive director of the financial services and customer contact practices of CEB.
This book talks about customer relationships. The authors argues that best salespeople don’t just build relationships with customers, they also challenge them. You will understand how the challengers approach customers to build strong relationships. You will also learn how to identify the challengers in your organization and build a model that everyone should follow to form a strong team.
9. Smart Sales Manager: The Ultimate Playbook for Building and Running a High-Performance Inside Sales Team – Josiane Chriqui Feigon
About the author: Josiane is recognized among The Top 25 Most Influential Inside Sales Professionals and as one of the world’s leading experts on inside sales team and management talent. Josiane is the founder of TeleSmart Communications.
Do you want to know strategies on how to effectively manage an inside sales team? This book is a good choice. It covers strategies for team building, managing and coaching people. The book points out some of the unique challenges that sales managers face day-by-day. It provides specific insights and tips to lead a sales team successfully. It provides innovative ideas regarding hiring, motivating, retaining and leading a team.
10. ProActive Sales Management: How to Lead, Motivate, and Stay Ahead of the Game By William “Skip” Miller
About the author: William ‘Skip’ Miller is the president of M3 Learning, a sales and management development company and an instructor for numerous AMA sales management training programs.
Looking for ways to drive your sales organization in a proactive manner? Miller has provided practical tools that can help us achieve our mission. He also covered approaches to hire, coach and develop a winning sales culture.
The book provides insights on how to gain better control over your life while achieving business goals.
Want to be a successful sales leader? Start reading books which can take your sales strategy to the next level. If you choose right books and make it a practice to read daily, sure you will be a successful leader.
The books listed above will provide you best insights on how to build and lead a successful sales team.
Happy reading!
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