Unless you’re immortal, you will need life insurance!

Financial Services Industry
Financial Services Industry is witnessing massive disruption from FinTech’s and start-ups. The Insurance industry is no exception. The speed of change in technology, changing customer behavior, and competition from new market entrants are redefining the rules of engagement.
Insurers know they need to innovate in order to remain competitive. In fact, 67% of insurance respondents to PwC’s 2017 CEO survey see creativity and innovation as very important to their organizations, ahead of other financial services sectors and the CEO survey population as a whole. And, insurance CEOs noted that the area they would most like to strengthen in order to capitalize on growth opportunities is digital and technological capabilities, followed by customer experience (reflecting the interconnectedness of the two).
Is Lead Generation, a huge problem?
Lead generation is a huge problem. Older agents are retiring and more business is transacted online, which means the approach to lead generation must evolve with the industry. At the present time, lead generation involves a complicated web of data, external partners, and internal systems, all of which need to be orchestrated into compelling offers that are relevant to individual consumers “in the moment.”
Even if insurance companies could unearth “the golden leads,” loyalty may be an issue for some types of insurance. So, follow-ups become their essential requirement to retain clients. The other key challenge today is to consolidate the lead data that comes in from multiple sources, namely Web, Enquiry Forms, Business cards etc. Industry also faces a challenge when it comes to managing huge client base. There is also a growing need to manage Sales teams in the industry. Lack of analytics about the leads generated makes it difficult to find who are all can be the potential customers.
The challenges faced by the Insurance Industry has led to increased adoption of technology and there are multiple cloud-based offering that help overcome these challenges. These tools not only automate lead management but also help send bulk Email to leads, Export Leads and provide integration with Google calendar. The tools equip the Sales Team with the right information when engaging with a lead. The tools enhance selling discipline and improve conversion rates.
To summarize, what the Insurance Industry needs today is a smart, simple and efficient tool that will make lead management effortless and multiply the joy of SELLING!
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