Starting this blog with a quote from the well-known American entrepreneur, Malcolm Forbes who defines Diversity as “the art of thinking independently together.” Diversity can be wonderfully celebrated whether it is an intelligent splash of colors on a white canvas or a brilliant fusion of melody from a set of musical instruments. There is a continuous stream of ultimate high definition 3D worldly experiences, always clamouring for the attention of our five sense organs.
The depiction of coloured images digitally on a screen is made possible with the help of pixels, which is the smallest discreet component of an image. Millions of color combinations are possible by the three additive primary colors namely,
Primary Colors
- Red
- Blue
- Green
Each of the primary colors can have an arbitrary intensity from fully off to on condition, which is depicted in the range from 0 to 255. Zero intensity gives the black color and full intensity gives rise to white color. The additive model keeps combining 256 variations of each color, resulting in 16,777,216 colors. Each RGB value denotes a specific color. The higher the number of color combinations, the higher are the possibilities to depict the best possible color image.
The entire Universe of living beings and non-living objects also works on a similar additive model. The three qualities which pervades this material world are like the three primary colors of Red, Blue and Green. The 3 primary qualities of life are :
Contemplation (Thinking oriented)
Dynamism (Activity oriented)
Inertia (Inaction)
Each of the 3 primary qualities can have varying intensities in the human mind, which leads to a diverse thinking and possibilities. That is the reason, why the same objective world in front of us, is viewed and interpreted in millions of ways, making our lives so interesting. Compared to all other living beings in this planet, we, human beings are uniquely gifted in the sense that we can choose to combine and alter the intensity of the 3 primary qualities in our mind, based on our needs. Each thought becomes a sort of pixel, on which these qualities are manifested.
Are we making futile efforts to suggest the “RGB” qualities for others ? Let us spend our valuable time in choosing what is needed for us, while celebrating the diversity in every transaction with the external world.
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