In today’s digital world, a website is very important for every small, medium and large businesses to promote their products / services to obtain loyal customers. Just launching a website doesn’t mean that your website will attract more customers.
In fact, you will be surprised to know that the internet has 1.75 billion websites and the count is growing every day! On an average a visitor just spends 5 seconds to judge a website and decides whether to stay more time or leave.
Reaching the attention of visitors to your website is essential to make them stay on your website. So, what should you do to attract more visitors to your website?
Should you have great content or action buttons or appealing design or all of them?
In this blog, I have researched and suggested top 10 ideas and tips to attract customers to your website, build trust and maintain a long-lasting relationship with them.
1.Construct your website like “7 wonders of world”
Though content is a king, recent survey finds that, a good design is more important than the content to attract customers. If a website is well designed, though it is not relevant to us, we spend some time to play around like a child. We navigate bars, scroll down till the end to enjoy the pictures or animation. In business, a well-structured website will help you gain more visitors to your site.
Also ensure that your website is mobile friendly and responsive. Check the accurate site responsiveness through some of the free tools.
2.Magic of Having Empty White Space – It does a lot

Researchers suggest using more white space to enable better readability. It helps visitors to consume easily and digest quickly the content you are presenting.
If you have noticed, Google uses a lot of white spaces on all of their websites with bigger fonts headlines and well-structured content. The white colour basically represents purity and simplicity. The more the use of white colour, more is the more pleasantness it produces.
3.Make your page load at the speed of jet
In this busy world, your website should impress the visitor within 5 seconds and make them to explore more. If your site takes more than 2 seconds to load, visitors will move on and possibly land in your competitor’s websites.
Many businesses are losing sales and revenue because of slow and less responsive websites. Don’t be one among them. There are many tools to improve your site speed. Use them and improve response time of your website.
- gtmetrix
- pingdom
4.Create incredible content which is worth gold
The soul of your website lies in the content. So, make it credible, interesting and insightful. Content should trigger curiosity and elicit interest to read more. When you do this, the possibility of people staying in your website for a long time may increase and there is a huge chance of buying your product or service.
5. Be everywhere wherever visitor’s eyes rotate
Promote your website in various platforms. Having social media account for your company, product or service is essential. Create banner ads for your products. Do guest blogging. Create viral videos. Use remarketing techniques and run ads on your website and make them get used to your brand. Repeated display of your logo improves trust.
6. Be precise in selecting interaction buttons
Some websites are designed in such a way that if a visitor clicks anywhere it will be redirected to a purchase form which will create a bad impression and you might have chances to lose that customer permanently. Within a website don’t create too many engagement buttons.
A point to take care is, instead of forcing them, help them to explore all features, pricing options, product benefits and at the end allow them to sign up, subscribe, purchase or perform an action.
7. Power of Directional Views
In case if you are using a human picture in your website check whether it is inserted in proper angles. Even direction plays a vital role in what that particular person is focusing on.
In the below picture the person is facing us and looking at us. Hence, our main focus will fall on human being or his face rather than on our content.

As an illustration, in this below modified picture a man is facing the content. Here, people who views this person will also see the content which automatically improves the picture conversion value.

8. Propose unique offers regularly
No one in this world is against offers and everyone loves discounts and freebies. People keep searching for new offers all the day. If you are one among them and provide offers and discounts, your website will always be pinned in their favourite list.
Through marketing activities, communicate your offers and make it visible not only for targeted groups but also for the common audience. Even a little spark can create a great demand for your products.
9. Maintain a standard structure for your brand
Try to design a website which matches the flavour of your logo. Use maximum of 3 to 4 colour combos. Too many colours fail to attract and sometimes it gives a feel that we are lost in this website.
Below website of “DexPatent” is designed only with three major colours – Dark grey, bright orange and white and gives a nice antique look and feel.

Be careful and do your homework while picking colours for your website, because it is the face of your business. It should be pleasant and at the same time promotes your products or services.
10. SEO – Handle with care
All the above-mentioned tips can add value to the website and make visitors stay in the website longer. But above all, audience should first reach your website and this is where SEO can be of great help.
SEO is nothing but Search Engine Optimization which improves the ranking for your sites and increases visibility. To perform an effective SEO, you need to do a keyword research, competitors’ analysis, targeted headline and descriptions, better content and images.
Few more tips from expert web developers:
Experienced developers suggest not to go with website creation tools because it is not very flexible. Though WordPress is handy and can be used by anyone, it cannot compete with Bootstrap and other tools. For better design ideas we can go through their themes. Here are few more bonus tips.
- Avoid 404 errors
- Reduce the usage of stock images
- Give additional importance to Product Features Section
- Headline can be crispy and be in larger fonts
There are many ways to attract customers to your website but we found the above ideas produce better results. Your mantra for websites should be “KEEP THEM COMING BACK” by KISS – Keep it simple and straight forward.
Hope these ideas have given you some insight on how to design a user friendly website to get the attention of more visitors.
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