If you use zoom or other video meeting apps for your work, school or entertainment, you would definitely recognise the below ‘interesting’ people.

We all know at least one person from each category.

Scroll down for a lively chuckle and do share it with people who are part of your daily video meetings!

Aesthetic Astha

Astha is a perfectionist and she makes sure her video background looks great. She always brings plants and other decorative materials to make her screen look pleasant for rest of the team!

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Virtual Victor

Unlike Astha, Victor could not find those pretty things in his house.  So he decides to use virtual background for the meeting he logs in.

No one knows where he works from or how his home looks like!

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Where are you warren?

Meet Warren who sits with his back facing the window or a bright light source. We are guessing that he is Warren, but we really don’t know if that is him for sure!

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Overdressed Oviya

Oviya thinks every zoom meeting is a beauty contest and she dresses up as much as possible spending a lot of time!

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Undressed Umar

Meet the other end of Oviya! Umar usually wakes up one and half minutes before the meeting and has no time to get ready and joins underdressed half-way through the conversation!

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No interest Natraj

Natraj and his network connection do not go together! With poor internet, Natraj’s screen hangs in the middle of all his meetings, leaving you to wonder whether you should continue to speak or not!

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Violinist Valeria

While Natraj’s screen hangs, for the same reason, Valaria’s speech is machine translated to beautiful violin music, played free of cost for rest of the team!

Gives a good break in the midst of serious business or academic discussion!

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Foodie Fiona

Meet the ever-hungry Foodie Fiona, who sneaks food and other items during the meetings and when the boss is not looking, manages deliver a biscuit to her mouth successfully like landing a rocket in the moon! 

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Script Senthil

While we all think Senthil is giving an extraordinary impromptu speech, he had pre-prepared the script that he tapes to the screen before the meeting.

But Fiona finds the trick by noticing Senthil’s eyeball movements!

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Partial Patricia

With Patricia not fully seen, you are left to wonder if it’s the teddy bear and the book shelf or Patricia who are participants in the meeting!

Any way you continue to talk to all of them!

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Muted Muthu

With Muthu’s enthusiasm, you know that he is speaking something but his mic is on mute, as always. You pray to God that he doesn’t start from the beginning when he unmutes!

And when you want to tell him that he is on mute, don’t forget to unmute your mic!!

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Curious George

Charis’ family members are equally enthusiastic to join the meeting and know what is going on! In the middle of boss’s monotonous voice, a little goo-goo gaa-gaa is definitely a good change for the rest of the team!

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Sleepy Steve

Over-worked Steve finds solace in the boring meeting to catch up on few winks of his sleep! And with video turned on!

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Shy Sharon

Sharon is shy of the rest of the team in the meeting room and mutes audio and video and making rest of the team to speak to name on the screen! When everyone becomes Sharon, zoom is converted into a conference call!

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Social Media Sophia

Messages in WhatsApp or Instagram are more interesting and gives her some peace and diversion during long boring meetings!

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Boxer Benjamin

Many of us may be Benjamins, but just make sure you do not stand during a meeting and rest is likely to be fine!!

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Send this to someone who is one of these people to make their day!

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Manasa is a guest blogger and a creative contributor at HelloLeads. Manasa enjoys painting, writing and designing. She is the author of the book, ‘Larry the house Lizard’. She is a vegan and an animal rights activist.

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Srinivasan N
Srinivasan N
Rate the blog :

Very well pictured and perfect articulation!

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Great creative work done by Manasa…really appreciate…Good going

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Life in the times of Corona, has become ‘Zoom – mania’ and we definitely have ‘known-all-of-them’.
Great experience in such troubling times world-over.

To Manasa & HelloLeads… “We-all-know-one” has made known to everyone of us, that we rise to the occasion…
And Win it too. Great Read.

Kavitha Karthikeyan
Kavitha Karthikeyan
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Great work…

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Fantabulous 🙂

Sakthi Priya
Sakthi Priya
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Haha… None of us have even think about these mistakes we made during video call meetings. It’s good that Manasa identified them and pictured the importance of look and feel of online meetings. May be her experience in online classes helped her to write this.

Sandhya Jayaraman
Sandhya Jayaraman
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Hahaha! So creative Manasa! The article was so relatable and hilarious!

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Very interesting and creative blog…

Lakshmi Ravi
Lakshmi Ravi
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Super write up with perfect pictures.sema smart work.👍👍


[…] If you use zoom or other video meeting apps for your work, school or entertainment, you would definitely recognize the below ‘interesting’ people – virtual Victor to overdressed Oviya.  Read more to enjoy the funny side of zoom meetings. : We All Know One! […]