Since December 2019 the novel corona virus outbreak in Wuhan China, #COVID 2019 has escalated across the world. It has infected hundreds and thousands of people in almost all countries. The number of people dying has been increasing at an alarming. Countries like South Korea, Italy (and Iran reported higher number of infections as well as deaths, besides China. On January 30th WHO declared COVID – 19 as global health emergency and Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus Director-General, WHO said that we are on precipice of a pandemic (disease / infection spread across the international boards and infect huge community of people).
The increase in the number of infected people shows lack of prevention steps taken by the individuals. WHO and CDC have prepared guidelines to prevent ourselves from corona virus. As per the proverb “Prevention is better than cure”, preventive measures taken by every individual can pull the strings and stop the spread of the virus.
Let’s see the top most preventive steps that we can follow to avoid corona virus infection:
1.Wash your hands frequently

Wash your hands till elbow regularly, rigorously and religiously using soap and water / alcohol-based rubs for at least 20 seconds. Washing the hands in running water can kill / wash out the viruses on the hand.
2. Cover your mouth and nose while you sneeze (or) cough

The viral particle spreads from one person to another through the respiratory droplets. Such spreading of respiratory droplets by air can be prevented by covering the mouth and nose while sneezing (or) coughing with the folded elbow or with paper tissue / cloth.
Discard these used paper tissue / cloths in separate trash bag and wash your hands after sneezing / coughing.
3.Avoid touching mouth, nose and eyes without washing your hands

Many surfaces where your hand touches may have virus particle. By touching the mouth / nose / eyes without washing the hands may have high possibility to transmit the virus from hands into the body. So, avoid touching your body parts without washing the hands.
4. Wear medical mask

Wear medical mask while taking care of an infected person or going outside. Such medical mask will prevent you from Corona viral particle that is present in the air. Properly cover your mouth and nose using the medical mask. Discard the mask once used without touching its centre portion and discard it in a separate trash bag.
5. Avoid close contact with sick people and sick animals

Avoid close contact with people having fever, cough or any other COVID-19 symptoms. Maintain at least 1-meter distance from that person and also avoid hugging / kissing / shaking hands with them.
Avoid touching sick animals or wild animals because they may be the carrier of novel corona virus. (Novel Corona virus is reported to be spread from the sea food market in Wuhan. The original carrier of novel Corona virus is yet to be confirmed. Wild panguins traded in the Wuhan wet market are the suspects).
6. Eat well cooked food

Avoid consuming meat and take well cooked food. Avoid eating wild animals and sea foods. Better to avoid non-vegetarian food in the area which is highly affected by corona virus outbreak.
7. Ventilate the room

Open the windows in the living space for better ventilation. It is obvious that Corona virus will spread through air and in the closed spaces the number of viral particles will be high. Hence, opening the windows will allow the clean air to enter into the room and this will reduce the number of viral particles in the living area.
8. Disinfect the places which you touch repeatedly

Clean the places you touch often with disinfectants. Corona virus can remain in the surface of the articles when you share that space with the infected person. While cleaning give appropriate time for the disinfectant to kill the virus based on the disinfectant you choose.
9. Avoid crowded place

Unless necessary, avoid visiting the places crowded with people. Because there may be people infected by corona virus who show the symptoms and people infected by corona who don’t show any symptoms (virus carrier).
Wear mask while visiting a public place otherwise stay at home to protect yourself. Avoid using public transports, public bathrooms, restaurants and other publicly available facilities.
10. Occupational safety measurement for COVID –19

All the employers and employees should follow occupational safety measurements for better productivity in business. Avoid travelling to the places affected by Corona virus outbreak for business purposes. Alternatively arrange web-based meetings / telephonic conversation to connect with the customers. At inevitable situation wear medical mask while travelling for a business purpose.
If your employer provide work from home facility utilise that to avoid spreading corona virus in the office environment.
People who participate in the business meetings / conferences / expos may be a carrier of novel corona virus, hence avoid shaking hands, hugging & sharing business cards with them, instead use apps like Helloleads to scan the business card / QR code of the prospect without getting infected by the viral particle. With HelloLeads you can also send greeting emails and greeting texts / SMS immediately after your meeting.
What can you do if you have symptoms of COVID – 19?

If you have symptoms of respiratory infection such as running nose, cough, frequent sneeze, sore throat, headache, chill, fever and breathing difficulty contact your healthcare provider immediately. When you go for check-up, cover your mouth and nose with face mask and avoid contacting with other people. If the healthcare provider asks you to stay at home, take a good rest, eat healthy food and drink plenty of water which will help you in speedy recovery.
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