We spend good amount of time and energy in setting up the booth and exhibiting to give a good impression to visitors. We then collect visitor details in notebooks or excel. Such information is not used effectively many times by us resulting in poor return on such marketing or trade show spends.
Many businesses feel that information collected at the booth is not available for the sales people to follow-up in more effective manner. The Head of Sales was not able to track or measure the performance of the leads generated and their conversion rate. If you can not measure something, you can not improve it as well. Right?
This is the reason, we build HelloLeads.
As shown below, you can see how many leads were generated in the expo where you are exhibiting. You can classify your leads as High, Medium or Low Potential based on their conversation possibilities. This helps you to focus on High Potential Leads first who may convert quickly customers.

Also, while adding leads you group your leads into specific customer groups. This helps you to analyze and target a customer group with relevant email and follow-up communications.

Our HelloLeads users also map their leads interest to understand which product / services that their leads are most interested in, this helps them to analyze which products have more enquires. Also they send specific content to the leads who are interested in for example Apartment (for a Real Estate Business) and get more responses with targeted email campaigns.

ROI from exhibiting at FAIRPRO 2017 (an real estate event) can be measured with help of measuring Lead Stage as shown below. This shows the progress of each event where you generate leads. So Head of Marketing & Sales can track the conversion rates in real time whenever they want and from wherever they are located. You can decide whether the participate in the next event or not with this performance metrics.