Energy and enthusiasm are the true assets for every human being to succeed in life and in business. In challenging days that we are in during and post Covid-19, we need a light that will guide us.
Here are some more motivational quotes (Part 5) to energies you in 2021. These handpicked, select quotes will help you give clarity to see life in a fresh perspective.
(1) Whoever speaks to you, try to absorb only the gist of the matter, without any of their colour coating.
(2) Don’t expect the world to ratify each of your activity.
(3) Don’t hold back. Express.
(4) Relationships are like a set of threads woven together to form a nice cloth.
(5) Learn even from your enemy.
(6) Mind enjoys worrying for problems, which are non-existent.
(7) If your objective is clear, just move forward.
(8) Worrying is a bad habit.
(9) If everybody wants to talk, who will listen?
(10) I am me. You are you.
(11) Don’t act like a lion. Be a lion.

(12) Fame is directly proportional to hard work.
(13) Action speaks volumes.
(14) Even if you are a flower, you need to become strong, if you want to withstand the storm.
(15) Same thing, which is a pride for someone, is an envy for the other.
(16) Your life is your life. No one can dictate it.
(17) Each day, I am a new me and you are a new you.
(18) Don’t expect oranges from the mango tree, just because you like only oranges.
(19) Older problems disappear from the mind, when new ones replace it.
(20) Work itself is a meditation, pulling the wandering mind to focus on the specific job.
(21) Don’t budge for autocracy. Resist with all might and with all love.
(22) Even when everybody is right, things might go wrong.
(23) If you get angry quite often, it only means that you have enormous energy that needs to be channelized well.
(24) Each one of us, we understand the same thing in our own terms.
(25) Each situation gives us a new learning.
(26) If you have the potential, do it.
(27) Self-motivation is the best motivation.

(28) Enthusiasm is an asset.
(29) Are you alive each moment?
Motivational Quotes to Energize You – Part 1
(30) Don’t strain and work hard. Be cool and work well.
(31) When we don’t have people around either to talk to or listen to, we start listening to our mind.
(32) Based on past, mind gets fascinated in projecting the future, missing out the present.
(33) If something is bothering your mind, clear it at once.
(34) Sometimes, insult brings out most of the unknown facets to the light.
(35) If you are an ocean, don’t get scared for the bubbles.
(36) If you are in a group, you need to align yourself well with it.
(37) Grow to the fullest of your potential.

(38) Only in intense human relations, we get to know ourselves better.
(39) If you put on your mask for too long, that will become your original.
(40) Are you a forward-looking person or a backward looking?
(41) A problem doesn’t let you sleep, unless and until you find the best solution for that problem.
(42) See life as it is.
(43) Smile as much as you can.
(44) Whatever you might be thinking about yourself, life mercilessly negates everything outright in due course of time.
(45) Doing good is always good. But, expecting appreciation from the world for the same, is no good.
(46) Either suffer or be brave.
(47) If life beats you and crushes you like a cloth, you have got 2 choices. Either you can become clean or you can get torn out.
(48) Most of the times, we waste our time waiting for recognition from the world for our accomplishments, before embarking on the next succeeding accomplishments.
(49) Strive to elevate yourself to a position of providing help to others from seeking help from others.
(50) When the distance to be travelled yet is 999 miles, how can we stop by to cherish the 1-mile completion.
(51) Do you have drivers or do you drive your life vehicle all by yourself?
(52) Dependency is a form of slavery.
(53) Don’t have inhibitions in showering as much love as you can around you.
(54) You need to make it real Big, for the world to recognize you.
(55) If your life has slid down, for some reasons, bring it up with all might.
(56) If you have tasted freedom, you can budge for nothing less.
(57) Success is a relative phenomenon.
(58) Most of the times, we put embers onto our head, all by ourselves, but blame it on others.
(59) Only during critical situations, we get to know our own strength.

(60) Less skills, more self-confidence is far better than more skills but lesser self-confidence.
(61) What we think about ourselves and what we are should be in sync.
(62) Planning for the future is absolutely important, provided we don’t miss our present.
(63) To some extent, we can project our graphs to anticipate the future.
(64) Expand the meaning of family and relatives to include each and every living organism on earth.
(65) If you see someone suffering, help at once, even before taking your next breath.
Motivational Quotes to energize you – Part 2
(66) If some people are introvert, it doesn’t mean they have nothing to speak out. It only means that they are waiting for the perfect audiences to listen to them.
(67) Don’t let small things shatter you.
(68) A single word of appreciation from the world might even require the life out of you.
(69) There are always two thought channels available for all of us anytime. Positive channel & Negative channel. Choose wisely.
(70) Give shoulders
(71) Keep yourself little aside and start helping others.
(72) We need to write our own fortunes.

(73) Don’t spoil the current moment with carry forwards.
(74) Balancing becomes challenging, especially, when everything comes at the same time.
(75) Don’t leave your Happiness Lever in others hands.
(76) A falling ball bounces back, only after hitting the bottom.
(77) Don’t budge for temporary exuberance. Strive for a permanent one.
(78) Don’t expect the world to understand you on its own. Make it understand.
Motivational Quotes to energize you in 2021 – Part 3
(79) Ask right questions, at the right time.
(80) Start afresh.

(81) Sometimes we need to churn our mind to get the gold from deep within.
(82) A candle or lamp can have self-doubts, but the Sun should not.
(83) You might fall down many times, but make sure to bounce back to normalcy at once.
(84) You cannot walk too far, unwillingly.
(85) Life beats you up only to bring out the best in you.
(86) More than sacrifices, the hardships undertaken matters the most.
(87) In a social life, what image we create in the minds of other people matters.
(88) Both extremes are not good. Middle path is the best.
(89) Ignorance cannot be justified.
(90) Let each moment be a learning moment.
(91) Some comments might be out of ignorance. Just forgive.
(92) While interacting with others, tap their good side.
(93) Thoughts drive us.
(94) To grow into a newer Avatar, we need to shed our older one.
(95) ‘How do we look’, might matter, may be, during the first interaction. But the rest is taken care of by our attitudes.
(96) Each moment conduct yourself in a dignified manner.
(97) Give, what is wished for and not what you wish to give.
(98) Getting a good name from the society without compromising on our core being is a challenge by itself.
(99) Even in a dream, we wouldn’t know what is going to come next.
(100) Smile is beautiful on any face.

Motivational Quotes to energise you in 2021 – Part 4
Hope you have enjoyed these out of the ordinary quotes, which I am sure will give you a clear perspective about life.
Wishing you all success in the New Year 2021!
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