Do you often find your workday sliding out of control? You start each day with a plan to get much to be done, but you end up with all your plans out of hand. Do you find yourself distracted, focusing on low priority task, delay on deadlines, feeling hesitated and stressed at times? So, how can you win back control over all your difficulties in work?
You work all day with scheduled tasks and timelines to be productive. Does it really function as it should be? Think, is the time invested is really productive? Finding a single solution that fixes all your difficulties is difficult, but yes, a 10-20 minutes of meditation a day can make you more productive. Sounds amusing?!
Wondering how minutes of training your state of mind, out of thoughts during work will improve productivity?
Being productive really does not mean getting more things done each day, it is getting important things done consistently. No matter how long is your checklist, there are few things among them that are actually important. Just think about how much of our working days is wasted by lack of focus, stress and distraction.
Meditation is a simple practice that helps you regain and retain your focus. Meditation has been proven not only as a best practice for body but also for mind. With lot of research, it is found that meditation can also enhance productivity.
Benefits of meditation at the workplace
A regular practice of 10-20 minutes a day can effectively benefit employees to win back control of their mind and aid them in bringing out their best efforts at the workplace.
Meditation is for attention:
Everything you do, requires your attention. The quality of your attention decides the quality of your work. Meditation is one of the very best practice for improving your attention. With regular practice, you can train your mind to stay calm and relaxed. It is necessary to keep your mind out of thoughts and make yourself focused. The development of focus and attention can help you improve your concentration on a particular thing at a time (i.e. improves your attention span) and sharpens your memory. This can surely make you out of stress, which is a greatest barrier for not being productive.
Meditation reduces stress:

When someone is mentally stressed, he/she may lack his/her focus on the works they do. This in turn affects their mental health and can promote depression, anxiety, lack of sleep, even results in fluctuating blood pressure.
Between the listed works of the day, it is always good to have time for relaxation. Meditation is one of the best modes of relaxation. It makes you fresh and keeps your mind active throughout the day. Regular meditation can reduce the level of stress and regulates your mental health.
Meditation Enhances creativity:

Despite being productive, being creative is also an important requirement to be satisfied in this corporate society. Be that a marketing ideology we create or in selling a product, creativity is the only subject that can attract others much and make them show more interest on our work. In this regard, meditation has been proven by science that it greatly improves productivity. Creativity is nothing but a mindset free. To be more creative, it is necessary to make your mind free providing space to think.
Meditation improves work relationship:

A good team of hard work can make wonders and meditation has a major role in enabling such wonders. Meditation improves communication and understanding among peers which in turn improves team engagement. Workplace mediation not only promotes the bond between peers but also let them understand mental health of everyone creating a better working environment, thereby resulting in increased productivity.
Meditation for decision making:
People often say, they find it difficult to make decisions. Effective decision making is important at each stage either in personal or professional life. A clear mind always comes up with right decisions. A clear mind which is free from mental stress, always has a clear focus on what is to be done and what is best to be done. Meditation practice always supports in improving your decision-making ability.
Meditation and Immune system:
To lead a healthy life, proper care of our body is to be taken. In the developing world we all have trapped ourselves busy so that we don’t even have time to have proper and healthy food. To be healthier it is important to have proper food that is rich in protein and vitamins along with meditation. This results in balanced health measures. A proper balance on these can help your immune system act more efficiently and can keep you active throughout the day.
To be more productive every day:
A regular practice of meditation can make you more efficient and allows you to work with more energy. Going through our days, multitasking has become common. No one can stick to a particular task. We always fumble up ourselves with tasks and timelines. Overloaded works and responsibilities make us more stressed and we stand still thinking how to manage our times.
Everything cannot work as per plan; it depends on how well we manage to make them happen. A 10-20 minutes of regular meditative practice during working can make you become more integrated with work and helps you manage and plan your day in making best use of you.
Nowadays, meditation is adapted by most of the top companies themselves, which they see as a productive tool. When you need a break during work, do meditation for 10 minutes. Focus on your breath, remove thoughts around you just concentrate on the silence you feel. Definitely, 10-20 minutes of silence can boost you up.
We know “A mind with lack of attention, will never provide a productive output”. Few minutes of meditation during busy hours can make us more focused and help us perform better each day.
Minutes can make magic, try once.
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