![Motivational Quotes Motivational Quotes](https://www.helloleads.io/blog/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Motivational-Quotes.png)
Energy and enthusiasm are the true assets for every human being to succeed in life and in business. In challenging days that we are in during and post Covid, we need a light that will guide us.
Here are 100 motivational quotes to energize and guide you in 2021. These handpicked, select quotes will help you give clarity to see life in a fresh perspective.
1.Life is simple, beautiful and straight forward, unless and until we make it otherwise.
2. Don’t form an opinion or judgement about other people. Instead, understand them deeply.
3. Longing for appreciation from others, only depreciates your value.
4. Don’t try to fit into other’s expectations. Be yourself.
5. Don’t be pretentious. Be original.
6. If you know yourself well, you don’t need approval from the world, each time, for each and everything you do.
7. Don’t entertain assumptions. Seek out for the truth.
![Seek out for the truth Seek out for the truth](https://www.helloleads.io/blog/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Quotes-1.png)
8. Don’t do anything to impress others. Do it to express yourself.
9. Happiness lies in small things. But we don’t do it just because they are small.
10. Don’t be a copycat. Be original.
11. If you don’t get what you desire, it only means that you deserve something better.
12. How you carry yourself is equally important as how you actually are.
13. Men may come and men may go…but the human values should go on forever.
14. When you encounter a problem, face it head on.
15. A wrong doing cannot be justified as right, just because everybody is doing it and nobody is questioning it.
16. If You be the chauffeur of your own life, nothing external can drag you off the track.
17. If we consciously fill our each passing present moment with all positivity, our future presents will shine as bright as a star for sure.
18. Be genuine to yourself first.
19. Anything you come in contact with in your life can teach you something, if only you are ready to learn.
20. Either approval, recognition or appreciation from the world is immaterial, when you have started walking based on your inner calling. Anyway, the world will soon realize and start following you.
21. If everything around you looks wrong, check your eye glasses.
22. How much low you humbly bow down; that much high you go up.
23. Self-worth is not something, which you prove to the world or you expect the world to ratify. It is something, which you possess within yourself.
24. While there is enormous opportunity for us to take responsibility around us, we simply sit and blame.
25. Don’t complicate your life with your own negative thoughts.
26. Life is too short to entertain even a single negative thought.
![negative thought](https://www.helloleads.io/blog/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/quotes2.png)
27. Criticisms are actually boons in making us shine more.
28. When you listen with your heart open, you can grasp the underlying feelings and emotions and even the unspoken words.
29. When you change your mind, everything around you gets changed.
30. Don’t hang on to the past. Just let go.
31. Time just grows when watered with positive mental attitude.
32. Sometimes, the meaning of the subject matter of a discussion changes altogether just because of its tone.
33. Don’t hesitate to seek help from others, whenever there is a need.
34. Expectation is the seed for disappointment.
35. Tension magnifies a minute problem into a massive one.
36. If people don’t behave the way you expected, it only means that you had grossly misunderstood them.
37. Too much of appreciation might intoxicate and numb your growth. Beware.
38. You become a leader, only when there are followers.
39. When you have to choose between being smart and being genuine, choose to be genuine.
![choose to be genuine choose to be genuine](https://www.helloleads.io/blog/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/quote3.png)
40. It is not a good strategy trying to prove that everything else is wrong, to prove that we are right.
41. When the world starts appreciating you, your responsibility increases manifold.
42. Don’t give space for any assumptions. Be open.
43. Good things in life usually don’t come in nice packaging.
44. If you remain in your comfort zone for quite long, you might lose your feathers to fly high.
45. I choose to remain blind to the so-called obstacles on my way to success.
46. If you think you are already perfect, you miss the chance for further improvement and refinements.
47. Luck is not something which just falls on your lap on its own. It is something which you need to consciously grab it with all your efforts.
48. Your past history is immaterial and redundant for you to create a new history from now on.
49. Don’t talk. Just walk.
50. If you are not happy with the result of your process, refine the process instead of manipulating the result.
51. Feelings and emotions come first. Everything else next.
52. Thoughts make people.
53. Even the very next moment is too late. Now is the time, if not the previous moment.
![Enjoy the moment Enjoy the moment](https://www.helloleads.io/blog/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/quotes4.png)
54. If you blame others for your current situation, you yourself negate the chance of getting out of that situation. Instead, take responsibility.
55. Life throws each and every situation at us, with the aim of making us stronger and the strongest.
56. A problem is a problem only when it is viewed as a problem.
57. Don’t come with a problem. Come with a solution.
58. Be proactive; Not reactive.
59. If you think positive, positive things will happen and if you think negative, negative things will happen.
60. The level of your power depends on whether you attach yourself with the mighty Sun or with an indoor fancy lamp.
61. Anything on earth is difficult, only for the first time.
62. Whether you like it or not, life trains you the way it wants.
63. Anyway, people will bury you, once you are gone. Don’t bury yourself within, while you are alive. Emerge out with all might without any fear.
64. Let’s have inquisitive eyes curious to learn as many things as possible from others and not have judgemental ones, which keep on judging them.
65. There is a limit for humbleness. While being down to earth is all appreciated, burying yourself under the ground is strictly a sin.
66. You have to beat your own drums. If not you, none will.
67.If you talk, talk and talk, you can prove yourself. But if you listen you can learn and improve yourself.
68.Double negative makes positive, works well only in mathematics and grammar. In life, only positivity works.
69.Before expecting recognition form others, you recognise yourself first.
70.You cannot expect others to understand you, while you yourself have not understood you well.
71. Learning need not necessarily be from only great people. Many things we can learn from small and ordinary people around us.
72. Don’t do anything to prove yourself. Do it to improve the situation you are in.
73. Don’t give face value to any appreciation. Value it only after giving due weightage and credit to the generosity of the person giving you the appreciation.
74. Most of the time we miss the sky for the stars.
75. If you lie, you don’t cheat others. You are cheating yourself.
76. Assumptions complicate our life more than anything else.
77. You are a brand-new person each and every day.
78. By forgiving others, we don’t favour them. We favour ourselves.
79. Don’t carry your past with you all the time. It is a burden.
![Don’t fall in line. Form a new line. Don’t fall in line. Form a new line.](https://www.helloleads.io/blog/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/quotes6.png)
80.Your happiness should not be like a waning and waxing moon. It should be ever present and constant like the sky holding that moon.
81. If you know the way, just keep walking. The world will follow you.
82. While admiring the drawing, don’t forget to recognize the space given by the canvas board.
83. Mind is a very powerful tool, if only it is used well.
84. While standing on a time conveyor belt, whether you are facing the gone by days or the yet to come days or focusing on the present day determines the quality of your life.
85. Learning new things is not that difficult. But, unlearning the already learnt wrong learnings is.
86. Work should pull the employees to the office and not the policies.
87. Balancing in life becomes worth celebrating, when it is balanced without compromising on either side.
88. Being able to appreciate others, itself, is a very appreciable quality.
89. Don’t insult me by appreciating for smaller things, while I am determined and obsessed for doing Bigger things.
90. With nothing some people are with full of contentment. And, with everything many are with full of scarce feeling.
91. In life, your distance only you have to walk. None can.
92. Most of us are busy building our images, rather than building our own selves.
93. If you can see only the goodness around you, it is good for you.
94. Don’t miss even a simple or small opportunity. It might lead to a bigger door ahead.
95. If you continue to live in your comfort zone, it is like choosing to remain in your mother’s womb forever.
96. Your life, only you should decide. No one else should.
97. Life is a giant trampoline, where how much deeper you go within that much greater heights you can reach.
98. Whether you like it or not, you have to come to terms with reality sooner or later.
99. Don’t catch hold of the words. In the real sense, they are meaningless.
100. Don’t fall in line. Form a new line.
![Don’t fall in line. Form a new line. Don’t fall in line. Form a new line.](https://www.helloleads.io/blog/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/quotes6.png)
Hope you have enjoyed these out-of-the-ordinary quotes, which I am sure will give you a clear perspective about life.
Wishing you all success in the New Year 2021!
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