Energy and enthusiasm are the true assets for every human being to succeed in life and in business. In challenging days that we are in during and post Covid-19, we need a light that will guide us.
Here are some more motivational quotes(Part 4) to energies you in 2021. These handpicked, select quotes will help you give clarity to see life in a fresh perspective.
(1) To succeed in life, one need not necessarily defeat others.
(2) A day is either long or short, depending on what happens on that day.
(3) Rose comes with thorns.
(4) Some puzzles don’t have an answer at all.
(5) Balancing between internal and external is an extraordinary skill by itself.
(6) Thoughts => Words => Action.
(7) Are you consciously alive each moment?

(8) Don’t expect others to understand you well, without you expressing yourself well.
100 Motivational Quotes to Energize You – Part 1
(9) Each and every moment we have 1000 choices to make. Once making a decision, never mull over as to whether the choice made is okay or not.
(10) Before getting anything from others, think twice. Don’t think at all while giving anything to others.
(11) The worst quality of our human mind is comparison.
(12) Don’t take anything personally. Success as well as concerns.
(13) Travel along with the time. No lagging behind. Not too far either.

(14) Generally, backbones don’t make themselves visible.
(15) Life is not about escaping. It is about facing.
(16) Thinking high about everyone on this planet and trying to learn something from each one of them is what makes us high.
(17) Sometimes, it so happens that our worth, we get to know only from others.
(18) Only when we highlight, certain things are understood better.
(19) Certain things might be small, but it’s impact might be huge.
(20) Without losing focus on bigger things, we can rejoice for smaller things along the way.
(21) Recognising a problem as a problem is the first step in finding a solution.
(22) Negative thoughts are like Corona Virus. Keep yourself away from it.
(23) When you are in a hurry, even the waiting time for the mustards to splutter might seem like a millennium.
100 Motivational Quotes to energize you in 2021 – Part 2
(24) The only consolation for the present struggles is that this will become a past soon.
(25) Don’t do anything with a half-mind. It will only have a negative impact.
(26) Sometimes our own brilliance becomes our own enemy.
(27) By showing resentment, we only splash mud on our own selves.
(28) Life is a picture demanding intense focus, because, even a single stroke might turn it ugly.

(29) If you keep beautifying your attachments, when will you beautify Yourself.
(30) If you think the whole world is against you, just turnaround, smile and take a selfie with all of them.
(31) If you deeply identify yourself with just one or two things, that only means you are dis-identifying yourself with million other things.
(32) If you are cheating others, you only cheat yourself.
(33) A thought is a good thought or a bad thought, based on the kind of deed it leads to.
(34) Never budge to anyone’s ego.
(35) An activity becomes strenuous, only when your heart is not into it.
(36) Most of the times, only speaking out alters the meaning completely.
(37) Kidding is a way of giving you a feedback in a lighter way.
(38) Thought leads to action.
(39) Only during difficult circumstances, we get to know ourselves better.
(40) In life, each day is a Marathon.
(41) Don’t let the fire within you to put out.
(42) ‘See, how great I am’ is the worst attitude of all.
(43) If we are humble, we can learn many things.
(44) What you portray about yourself, that is what the world understands.
(45) Most part of our life, we waste, in imagining what might be going on in others’ mind.
(46) Don’t resist change. Embrace it.

(47) Each day is a new day.
(48) There is always a race between time and thoughts, and most of the times, only time wins.
(49) Don’t keep your self-esteem at the mercy of others. Keep it strong.
(50) If you give respect even to the lowest of the lowest, it doesn’t mean you are weak. It only means you are strong.
100 Motivational Quotes to energize you in 2021 – Part 3
(51) Be like a magnet, attracting as much life as possible.
(52) Keep up your energy level and enthusiasm very high and keep down your ego very low.
(53) Thoughts, talks and actions are equally important.
(54) If you are silent for too long, people will bury you and build a castle on top of you.
(55) Don’t shy away from being exuberant all the time.
(56) Sound is more important than words and meanings.
(57) There is always a tough competition between original and fake, but at the end, only the originality wins.
(58) You write your own history.

(59) Don’t just say. Do.
(60) Whatever mistake, we notice in others, we need to make sure that we don’t make it.
(61) What is inside that comes out.
(62) Every problem has a solution.
(63) Throw away your fears and inhibitions and emerge out as a phoenix bird.
(64) Don’t wait for the opportunity to come and knock at your door. You create the opportunity.
(65) If someone forces you to do what you don’t want to do, resist.
(66) In life, self-esteem is the driving force.
(67) Life is a giant drama, where everyone is a performer and no one is there in the audience.
(68) Even if you squeeze your body and mind, but with all willingness, there won’t be any pain at all.
(69) Relationships are all about handling emotions.
(70) You can be happy, only when the person next to you too is happy.
(71) No one is perfect. Everybody is learning.
(72) Slow down.
(73) Most of us think that becoming stressful is our birth right.
(74) Are you available 24/7 for people around you, with all love?
(75) If you want appreciation from the whole world, it can happen only after you are gone. Hence, don’t focus on appreciation, focus on what you do.
(76) If we have a proper tool, we can even remove the cobwebs in the moon, sitting from here.

(77) Exhibit exuberance each and every moment.
(78) Changing the mindset is more like moving a mountain.
(79) At any time, if you have a doubt as to whether what you do is right or wrong, ask your conscience.
(80) Thinking is easy. Doing is difficult.
(81) Some are good in thinking. Some are good in talking. Some are good in doing. Becoming good in all the three is essential for success.
(82) Sometimes, we allow the weed to grow, just because it looks beautiful.
(83) We will definitely get what we deserve.
(84) Grow internally.
(85) Don’t burry yourself within. Bloom.
(86) Though you might have all the qualities to be appreciated for, you may not get the appreciation, if the other person is not willing to appreciate.
(87) Don’t expect the world to appreciate your each and every step. It prepares to appreciate, only after you have reached the peak and never before that.
(88) Let ‘one step ahead’ be your strategy.
(89) Work on yourself first, before trying to work on others.
(90) If you can keep yourself little aside, you can perceive things clearly.
(91) The life, which you think you deserve, you design it all by yourself.
(92) If the sun is too harsh, don’t blame the sun. Protect yourself from the heat.
(93) Try to understand yourself first, before either trying to understand others or expecting others to understand you.
(94) Is it You, who is leading your life or your body & mind?
(95) ‘How much useful we are to others’ is the best scale to measure our goodness.
(96) If the population on earth is 7.6 billion, there are at least 60 billion manhours each day for a productive usage.
(97) Most of the times, most of us are bothered about how the other person assesses us, rather than how we actually are.
(98) Don’t get offended for somebody else’s immature comments.
(99) In most of the situations, decision making takes more time than implementation.
(100) You are happy and complete, only when you are YOU.

Motivational Quotes to energize you in 2021 – Part 3
Hope you have enjoyed these out of the ordinary quotes, which I am sure will give you a clear perspective about life.
Wishing you all success in the New Year 2021!
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