- About DupliChecker:
- DupliChecker is the most popular free plagiarism detection tool available online.
- It compares your writing to content that has already been published online.
- The DupliChecker.com team is made up of experts from various fields, all with the same primary goal in mind: to help our clients generate more business through the use of online services.
- Founded in 2006
- Business Type: Private
- Headquarters: Thornton Heath, Surrey, United Kingdom
- Number of Employees: 51-200
- Industry: Information Services, Science and Education
- Services:
- Duplichecker is a company that provides high-quality web content to prestigious websites.
- They offer a wide range of SEO services to their valued clients, including quality web content, proofreading and editing of content already on their client’s website, and anything else that can help their client’s website rank well.
- Their goal is to provide cutting-edge services based on solid technical foundations.
- Duplichecker was created by a team of professionally skilled developers to ensure 100% authentic results by dissecting each sentence individually and using authentic data sources. Each document is quickly analyzed, and statistical results are generated.
- Since 2006, they have created over a million pages of high-quality content that can generate massive traffic for their clients. Duplichecker is one of their proud productions, according to their glittering past record.
- Price: This tool is completely free.
- Functionality: Copy and Paste a 1000-word text into a search box or upload it in.doc or.txt format (word limit remains).
- Pros: Simple user interface. The results are clearly presented in two boxes: one with our tested content with highlighted sentences and another with original sources identified by a checker.
- Usability: This tool is geared toward businesses, but students can use it as well.
- Cons: Each search is limited to 1000 words and the limit can be increased to 1500 words by signing up for a free account. This, however, is insufficient. While the tool is useful for short articles, it takes more time and effort to check longer works.
- Accuracy: Certainly not accurate. Although the checker marked the article with no copyright issues as plagiarism-free, it failed to accurately identify instances of plagiarism in other test texts.
- Lightvert Ltd., Shift Digital, and ESG Mobility are potential competitors and alternatives to Duplichecker.